5 New Messages
Digest #20112
Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:21 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Mimie Evma" s_evma
pak bagus,
jadi ingat bbrpa waktu yg lalu saya baca artikel, untuk membantu perkembangan bayi, sebaiknya bayi diajak ngobrol atau dibacakan buku. tidak melalui TV.
saya kutip nih:
According to the study, the mothers also read more and showed their babies less TV. Babies don't absorb words very well from watching television.
sewaktu di s'pore dulu, bahkan ada tempelan di RS himbauan untuk tidak memberikan gadget atau TV ke bayi dan balita dibawah 3thn.
saya fotoin sih.. tp repot pake attachment di milist :D. saya tulisin
lagi aja..
Health Advisory:
No TV, DVD, iPad, gadget below 3 years old.
scientific evidence prove the correlation between TV and gadget exposure to developing: Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and other behavioral problem.
#semoga saya bisa konsisten ga ngasih TV en gadget ke bayi na#
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jadi ingat bbrpa waktu yg lalu saya baca artikel, untuk membantu perkembangan bayi, sebaiknya bayi diajak ngobrol atau dibacakan buku. tidak melalui TV.
saya kutip nih:
According to the study, the mothers also read more and showed their babies less TV. Babies don't absorb words very well from watching television.
sewaktu di s'pore dulu, bahkan ada tempelan di RS himbauan untuk tidak memberikan gadget atau TV ke bayi dan balita dibawah 3thn.
saya fotoin sih.. tp repot pake attachment di milist :D. saya tulisin
lagi aja..
Health Advisory:
No TV, DVD, iPad, gadget below 3 years old.
scientific evidence prove the correlation between TV and gadget exposure to developing: Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and other behavioral problem.
#semoga saya bisa konsisten ga ngasih TV en gadget ke bayi na#
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Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:31 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
MAaf nyambung sama threadnya,apa klo migrain itu pengaruh ke mata jg?krn saya pun lg mengalaminya bahkan dari alis sampai mata sebelah kiri itu jg nyeri..kira2 knp yaa??
Thx before..
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
Thx before..
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:42 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Dear mbak anggita,
Sakit kepala alias headache bisa juga sifatnya cluster jadi terpusat di lokasi tertentu. Kalo migraine memiliki ciri khas sakitnya berdenyut dan kadang-kadang diikuti aura (seperti melihat cahaya, atau gangguan penglihatan) sebelum serangan migraine.
Kadang kalau parah serangannya bisa sampai mual dan muntah.
Untuk lebih jelasnya silakan browsing dengan keyword: migraine, migraine headache. Dan coba bandingkan browsing juga dengan keyword cluster headache, tension type headache.
Cmiiw all ....
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
Sakit kepala alias headache bisa juga sifatnya cluster jadi terpusat di lokasi tertentu. Kalo migraine memiliki ciri khas sakitnya berdenyut dan kadang-kadang diikuti aura (seperti melihat cahaya, atau gangguan penglihatan) sebelum serangan migraine.
Kadang kalau parah serangannya bisa sampai mual dan muntah.
Untuk lebih jelasnya silakan browsing dengan keyword: migraine, migraine headache. Dan coba bandingkan browsing juga dengan keyword cluster headache, tension type headache.
Cmiiw all ....
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:56 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Ghozansehat" ghozansehat
BPA linked to obesity in girls
13th Jun 2013
Neil Bramwell all articles by this author
EXPOSURE to bisphenol A is linked to obesity in girls at puberty,
research suggests.
Girls aged 912 years with higher than average levels of BPA in their
urine had double the risk of being obese than girls with lower levels of
BPA, a US and Chinese study has found.
BPA is a known endocrine disruptor with estrogenic properties and is
likely to enter the body primarily through the ingestion of foods and
liquids that have come into contact with BPA-containing materials. It is
used to make plastics and other materials, such as cash register
receipts, the authors stated.
Researchers studied 1326 male and female children in grades 412 at
three Shanghai schools and found that, among girls aged 912 with
extremely high levels of BPA in their urine (more than 10 micrograms per
litre), the risk of being overweight (in the top 10th percentile) was
five times greater.
The researchers did not identify significant BPA effects in any other
age groups studied or in boys of all ages.
In the 912 female age group, 36% of those with a higher than average
level of BPA in their urine were overweight or obese compared with 21%
of those with a lower than average level of BPA.
BPA has been shown to act on adipocytes and suppresses the release of
adiponectin in human adipose tissues, which could lead to insulin
resistance and metabolic syndrome, the study stated.
"Girls in the midst of puberty may be more sensitive to the impacts of
BPA on their energy balance and fat metabolism," concluded the authors.
"Our study suggests that BPA could be a potential new environmental
obesogen, a chemical compound that can disrupt the normal development
and balance of lipid metabolism, which can lead to obesity."
PLOS ONE 2013; online 12 June
BPA linked to obesity in girls
13th Jun 2013
Neil Bramwell all articles by this author
EXPOSURE to bisphenol A is linked to obesity in girls at puberty,
research suggests.
Girls aged 912 years with higher than average levels of BPA in their
urine had double the risk of being obese than girls with lower levels of
BPA, a US and Chinese study has found.
BPA is a known endocrine disruptor with estrogenic properties and is
likely to enter the body primarily through the ingestion of foods and
liquids that have come into contact with BPA-containing materials. It is
used to make plastics and other materials, such as cash register
receipts, the authors stated.
Researchers studied 1326 male and female children in grades 412 at
three Shanghai schools and found that, among girls aged 912 with
extremely high levels of BPA in their urine (more than 10 micrograms per
litre), the risk of being overweight (in the top 10th percentile) was
five times greater.
The researchers did not identify significant BPA effects in any other
age groups studied or in boys of all ages.
In the 912 female age group, 36% of those with a higher than average
level of BPA in their urine were overweight or obese compared with 21%
of those with a lower than average level of BPA.
BPA has been shown to act on adipocytes and suppresses the release of
adiponectin in human adipose tissues, which could lead to insulin
resistance and metabolic syndrome, the study stated.
"Girls in the midst of puberty may be more sensitive to the impacts of
BPA on their energy balance and fat metabolism," concluded the authors.
"Our study suggests that BPA could be a potential new environmental
obesogen, a chemical compound that can disrupt the normal development
and balance of lipid metabolism, which can lead to obesity."
PLOS ONE 2013; online 12 June
Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:45 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"indah haidiyanti"
Dear mom Sophie,
Kebetulan anakku (10mo) juga alergian. Kalo untuk makanan yang menyebabkan
alergi anakku, aku kasih lagi bulan berikutnya. Mm kalo untuk ruam nya, ga
aku kasih apa2. Coba oprek file milis tentang alergi, biar ga was2 :D cmiiw
ya moms.
Indah - Davian's mom
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Kebetulan anakku (10mo) juga alergian. Kalo untuk makanan yang menyebabkan
alergi anakku, aku kasih lagi bulan berikutnya. Mm kalo untuk ruam nya, ga
aku kasih apa2. Coba oprek file milis tentang alergi, biar ga was2 :D cmiiw
ya moms.
Indah - Davian's mom
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Milis SEHAT mengucapkan terima kasih kepada HANSAPLAST selaku sponsor kegiatan PESAT Balikpapan (4-5 Mei 2013), PESAT SUA Bali (18-19 Mei 2013), dan PESAT SUA Bandung, Juni 2013.
Hansaplast, "Sembuh Lebih Cepat, Ceria Setiap Saat"
Terima kasih & penghargaan sedalam-dalamnya kepada HBTLaw dan PT.Intiland yang telah dan konsisten mensponsori program kami, PESAT (Program Edukasi Kesehatan Anak Untuk Orang Tua)."
"Milis SEHAT didukung oleh : CBN Net Internet Access & Website.
Milis Sehat thanks to HANSAPLAST as sponsor for PESAT Balikpapan (May 4-5, 2013), PESAT SUA Bali (May 18-19, 2013), dan PESAT SUA Bandung in June 2013.
Hansaplast, "Sembuh Lebih Cepat, Ceria Setiap Saat"
Our biggest gratitude to HBTLaw and PT. Intiland, who have consistently sponsored our program, PESAT (Program Edukasi Kesehatan Anak Untuk Orang Tua)."
"SEHAT mailing list is supported by CBN Net for Internet Access &Website.
Kunjungi kami di (Visit us at):
Official Web : http://milissehat.web.id/
FB : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Milissehat/131922690207238
Twitter : @milissehat <http://twitter.com/milissehat/>
Donasi (donation):
Rekening Yayasan Orang Tua Peduli
Bank Mandiri
Cabang Kemang Raya Jakarta
Account Number: 126.000.4634514
Hansaplast, "Sembuh Lebih Cepat, Ceria Setiap Saat"
Terima kasih & penghargaan sedalam-dalamnya kepada HBTLaw dan PT.Intiland yang telah dan konsisten mensponsori program kami, PESAT (Program Edukasi Kesehatan Anak Untuk Orang Tua)."
"Milis SEHAT didukung oleh : CBN Net Internet Access & Website.
Milis Sehat thanks to HANSAPLAST as sponsor for PESAT Balikpapan (May 4-5, 2013), PESAT SUA Bali (May 18-19, 2013), dan PESAT SUA Bandung in June 2013.
Hansaplast, "Sembuh Lebih Cepat, Ceria Setiap Saat"
Our biggest gratitude to HBTLaw and PT. Intiland, who have consistently sponsored our program, PESAT (Program Edukasi Kesehatan Anak Untuk Orang Tua)."
"SEHAT mailing list is supported by CBN Net for Internet Access &Website.
Kunjungi kami di (Visit us at):
Official Web : http://milissehat.web.id/
FB : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Milissehat/131922690207238
Twitter : @milissehat <http://twitter.com/milissehat/>
Donasi (donation):
Rekening Yayasan Orang Tua Peduli
Bank Mandiri
Cabang Kemang Raya Jakarta
Account Number: 126.000.4634514