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[sehat] Digest Number 20100

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15 New Messages

Digest #20100
Re: Manajemen ASI by "Hersisti" hersisti
Bayi 10d jaundice by ayablue13
Re: Bayi 10d jaundice by "'Ita' Elisabeth Dianita"
Re: Bayi 10d jaundice by "Hersisti" hersisti
Re: Bayi 10d jaundice by "'Ita' Elisabeth Dianita"
Re: obat yang benar untuk lambung??? dan kapan kah endoskopi perlu d by "Nuraini Wulandari"
Re: Rash by "rini3pujiastuti" rini3pujiastuti


Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:37 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Hersisti" hersisti

Dear mom Aling,

Cara saya menyusui anak saya juga begitu, sesi 1 kanan - sesi 2 kiri - sesi 3 kanan - dst. Ga pernah bisa gantian dalam satu sesi krn biasanya anak saya langsung terkapar tidur setelah nenen, jadi boro2 mau nyusuin di payudara satunya wong buka mulut aja dia ogah. Pikir saya waktu itu sih "berarti selagi yang satu dikosongkan, satunya lagi produksi". Malah pernah payudara kanan bengkak banget akhirnya 3 sesi di kanan semua :D

Kalo ga salah sih pernah dikasitau kalo baiknya malah kosongin dulu satu payudara baru dioper ke payudara satunya (kalo anaknya masih lapar), soalnya kalo terlalu cepet dioper kanan kiri begitu nanti dapetnya kebanyakan foremilk daripada hindmilk (cmiiw ya). Soal kempes enggaknya juga ga perlu khawatir, kan katanya produksi asi itu pasti mencukupi kebutuhan anak. Payudara kiri saya lebih kempes tapi lebih sering netes sementara yang kanan ga pernah netes tapi cepet penuh. Yang penting mah positif thinking, asupan gizi dan tetap semangat asi ya mom Aling...


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:26 am (PDT) . Posted by:


Dear all docs n SPs

Mohon bantuan penguatan dan informasinya.
Anak keduaku lahir tgl 31 mei (jumat), laki-laki, pada hari ke 3 (minggu) terlihat agak kuning. Kebetulan hari itu, saat kami pulang, saya minta dicek bilirubin dan gol darah. Hasilnya bilirubin 10,8+0,1 (direk+in), gol darah O rh+. Kata bagian anaknya, masih normal kok bu, disusuin saja lebih sering dan dijemur. Oh ya, gol darah saya A rh+. Saya sdh lgsg berpikir, waduh jangan2 karena beda golongan darah.

Pada hari anakku perlu kontrol ke dokter adalah hari ke 5 (rabu sore), terlihat kondisinya lebih kuning. Saya sudah curiga bilirubinnya pasti naik. Oleh DSAnya minta lgsg dicek lab. Hasilnya 12+1,1 (direk+in), total 12,8. Kata dsa sudah dibatas normal tapi tidak perlu disinar, asinya diperbanyak dan dijemur saja wlo tidak berpengaruh banyak katanya. Kondisi anak, bb sdh naik 200gr (bb lahir 3,3kg), aktif, menyusu kuat.

Setelah dari dsa, saya pantau terus dan kasih asi setiap 2jam + dijemur juga. Pantauan klinis (sepengetahuan saya) warna kuning sdh sedikit demi sedikit memudar wlo masih terlihat kuning. Pertanyaan saya :
1. Apakah perlu dibawa ke dokter lagi untuk cek ulang bilirubin ?
2. Apakah perlu dilakukan test lain sebagai penunjang penyebab kuningnya selain yg sdh pasti beda golongan darah ? Apakah perlu transfusi ?
3. Apakah bisa dilakukan diimunisasi bcg jika jaundicenya belum sembuh total ?

Mohon masukan dari docs + sps semuanya. Jujur jadi galau dan butuh penguatan. Sudah bongkar2 arsip dan web utk baca2 tapi tetep galau aja sayanya hehehe.. Maklum abis lahiran jadi pikirannya kemana-mana deh.
Terima kasih untuk bantuannya.

Salam sehat,

Live from ayablue cake kitchen

Mon Jun 10, 2013 3:45 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"'Ita' Elisabeth Dianita"

Sebelumnya selamat ya Mom atas kelahiran baby-nya.
Sepertinya tidak ada masalah kok dengan baby-nya, kuningnya masih dalam batas normal. Sudah benar tuh disusuin terus ya.
Yang Mom kawatirkan mengenai beda goldar juga tidak perlu, karena itu hanya mungkin terjadi jika goldar ibu O dan anak bukan O. Itupun gak selalu. Jadi jika goldar Mom bukan O, maka mom tidak perlu kawatir dengan ABO incompatibility yaaa..
Nanti lama2 ilang kok kuningnya, seiring bertambahnya usia.

salam sehat,
ita - Ibuke Saka & Ambar
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Mon Jun 10, 2013 3:57 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Hersisti" hersisti

@mom ana: gpp bu, anakku waktu lahir kadar bilirubinnya 16,9 di hari keempat tapi disuruh pulang sama dokter. Cuma kena matahari pagi, asi, sering dipeluk dan skin to skin. Alhamdulillah sekarang baik2 aja.
@mom ita: Kalo beda goldar kenapa ya bu? kebetulan aku O+ sementara anaku B+ seperti bapaknya.


Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:08 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"'Ita' Elisabeth Dianita"

Dear Mom Dica,
Jika ibu goldar O dan bayinya bukan O, maka waspada ABO incompatibility. Hanya waspada aja mom, karena tidak selalu. Jika itu terjadi, kuning akan terlihat dalam 24 jam pertama sejak baby lahir. Untuk lebih jelasnya sih bisa browsing ataupun ngoprek milis dengan keyword tersebut. Maaf saya belum bisa kasih link.

salam sehat,
ita - Ibuke Saka & Ambar
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:53 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

Dear Ria


Bagus - hebat - sdh menyempatkan baca2
Tetapi kayaknya baca nya belum mantep tuh hehehe maaf ya.
Coba baca lagi di AAP (keyword: jaundice of the newborn) dan di web milissehat

Kuasai tabelnya kapan mesti terapi sinar misalnya

Naah kalau sudah baca pasti tahu
1. Konsep beda gol darah yg dimaksud adalah spt yg dimaksud Ita (baca ABO incompatibility)
Bukan konsep yg kamu maksud

2. Gak bolak balik ke dokter dan periksa bili

3. Gak cemas

-patient's safety first-

Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:30 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Purnamawati, SpAK"

Dear Lyna

wass wr wb
maaf baru jawab
saya baca ulang emailmu. Mungkin sebetulnya tidak terlalu complicated
masalahnya. Jadi kalau boleh urun rembug, sbb:

1. Upayakan lebih relax, loosen up,
Upayakan punya me time
Upayakan untuk sesekali having fun

2. baca baca baca tentang Dyspepsia di mayoclinic

3. Makanan pedas dll sih mestinya gak masalah
Asam lambung tinggi gak selalu buruk
Kita butuh asam lambung buat menangkal infeksi.
Allah sudah atur itu kok Lyna

Jadi please jangan terlalu parno sama asam lambung

4. Obat2annya - hmmm saya gak akan mau makan tuh apalagi omeprazole.
kan sudah sering dibahas
pemakaian omeprazole berlama lama atau berulang ulang akan
meningkatkan risiko infeksi saluran napas bawah

jadi ... please ubah saja gaya hidup

5. pemeriksaan darah berulang ulang
gak ada gunanya
gak bisa buat mendiagnosis dyspepsia
Gak bisa mendiagnosis adanya asam lambung tinggi
trombosit segitu ya gak papa
Biasanya dokter bilang asam lambung tinggi tuh a kind of "diagnosis
keranjang sampah"
Maksudnya? kalau gak ketemu apa2, ya bilang aja asam lambung tinggi.
Toh pasien puas asal dapat jawaban.
Itu "rahasia dapurnya" - maaf yaa

Ok semoga bisa modifikasi gaya hidup ya
kita butuh kok asam lambung


Quoting Nuraini Wulandari <>:

> assalamulaikum.. semangat siang hari smga selalu kita galakan.. mau
> share dan tanya nih sm dokter2 n spesialis2 d forum ini.. saya lyna usia
> 28th.. akhir2 ini sering merasakan perih dan sensasi panas d sekitar
> ulu hati dan sekitarnya lalu kadang menjalar ke tenggorokan. awalnya
> habis cesar sy sering merasa agak susah buang angin, jd ada kesan harus
> agak ditekan (maaf) "ngeden" br nisa buang angin.. lalau anakku usia
> 10bln mulai agak sesak nafas,, sy fikir  apa krna pola hidup yaa,
> soalnya sy irt smpai anak usia 2 thn.. lalu semakin ksni seperti ada
> keluhan suka nyeri perut, saya cek darah pertama semua normal, hanya
> trombosit yang tinggi 450.000.. kata dokter saya sakit lambung atau
> asam lambung tinggi dan berpesan menghindari makanan
> pedas, santan, gurih dan berlemak.. pulang konsul pertama d kasih
> antacid, omeprazole dan rnitidine suruh habiskan.. sebulan berlalu tdk
> ada keluhan.. lalu aya mulai icip2 sambal, mulai makan pedes2 lagi slma
> seminggu lalu kumat lagi.. kembali diresepkan yang sama.. nah yang
> ketiga nya 2 minggu lalu, diawali perut seblh kiri sakit sprti melilit,
> lalu keesokan harinya panas d uluhati, terasa penuh d perut dan cepat
> sekali haus dada berdebar2.. saya konsul kembali cek darah semua bagus
> namun trombositnya naik jd 510.000.. dibilangnya asam labung tinggi,
> obatnya pun masih setipe. smpe hr ini kalau perut saya kosong pasti
> mulai merasa tdk enak d perut, sprti panas, penuh pd perut.. efeknya
> slma sy minum obat yg diresepkan, jd batuk2 kadang berdahak kadang tdk..
> yg mau sy tanyakan obat apa sbnrnya yg cocok? apakah ada treatmenny
> drmh? atau jika memang diperlukan kah endoskopi itu? saya sering merasa
> gelisah dan msh blm jelas dgn diagnosa dokter2 sblnya, sdh 3 kali konsul
> tp msh suka berulang2 keluhannya.. atau ada pantangannya kah??/
> mohon bantunya para dokter2 yang baik dan spesialis..
> krna sy sdh pergi k spesialis ktnya jgn stress dan makanan d jaga..
> makasih cvlnya n maav kepanjangan..
> best regard..
> wassalamu"alaikum..
> lyna
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:53 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Nuraini Wulandari"

iyaa dok, memang semenjak saya pindah rumah saya merasa kurang nyaman, tingkat stress meningkat.. jarang pergi sm kerabat2 untuk have fun.. insya alloh sy akan jalankan hidup sehat.. saat ini saya sering berolahraga teratur minim 2x smnggu.. makasih dok atas saran yang membantu spirit saya.. insya alloh tdk apa2 yaa dok.. kadang sy suka browsing n itu beritanya menyeramkan jd bikin parno dlan.. hehehee..

--- On Tue, 6/11/13, Purnamawati, SpAK <> wrote:

From: Purnamawati, SpAK <>
Subject: Re: [sehat] obat yang benar untuk lambung??? dan kapan kah endoskopi perlu diakukan??
Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 1:30 AM


Dear Lyna

wass wr wb

maaf baru jawab

saya baca ulang emailmu. Mungkin sebetulnya tidak terlalu complicated

masalahnya. Jadi kalau boleh urun rembug, sbb:

1. Upayakan lebih relax, loosen up,

Upayakan punya me time

Upayakan untuk sesekali having fun

2. baca baca baca tentang Dyspepsia di mayoclinic

3. Makanan pedas dll sih mestinya gak masalah

Asam lambung tinggi gak selalu buruk

Kita butuh asam lambung buat menangkal infeksi.

Allah sudah atur itu kok Lyna

Jadi please jangan terlalu parno sama asam lambung

4. Obat2annya - hmmm saya gak akan mau makan tuh apalagi omeprazole.

kan sudah sering dibahas

pemakaian omeprazole berlama lama atau berulang ulang akan

meningkatkan risiko infeksi saluran napas bawah

jadi ... please ubah saja gaya hidup

5. pemeriksaan darah berulang ulang

gak ada gunanya

gak bisa buat mendiagnosis dyspepsia

Gak bisa mendiagnosis adanya asam lambung tinggi

trombosit segitu ya gak papa

Biasanya dokter bilang asam lambung tinggi tuh a kind of "diagnosis

keranjang sampah"

Maksudnya? kalau gak ketemu apa2, ya bilang aja asam lambung tinggi.

Toh pasien puas asal dapat jawaban.

Itu "rahasia dapurnya" - maaf yaa

Ok semoga bisa modifikasi gaya hidup ya

kita butuh kok asam lambung


Quoting Nuraini Wulandari <>:

> assalamulaikum.. semangat siang hari smga selalu kita galakan.. mau

> share dan tanya nih sm dokter2 n spesialis2 d forum ini.. saya lyna usia

> 28th.. akhir2 ini sering merasakan perih dan sensasi panas d sekitar

> ulu hati dan sekitarnya lalu kadang menjalar ke tenggorokan. awalnya

> habis cesar sy sering merasa agak susah buang angin, jd ada kesan harus

> agak ditekan (maaf) "ngeden" br nisa buang angin.. lalau anakku usia

> 10bln mulai agak sesak nafas,, sy fikir  apa krna pola hidup yaa,

> soalnya sy irt smpai anak usia 2 thn.. lalu semakin ksni seperti ada

> keluhan suka nyeri perut, saya cek darah pertama semua normal, hanya

> trombosit yang tinggi 450.000.. kata dokter saya sakit lambung atau

> asam lambung tinggi dan berpesan menghindari makanan

> pedas, santan, gurih dan berlemak.. pulang konsul pertama d kasih

> antacid, omeprazole dan rnitidine suruh habiskan.. sebulan berlalu tdk

> ada keluhan.. lalu aya mulai icip2 sambal, mulai makan pedes2 lagi slma

> seminggu lalu kumat lagi.. kembali diresepkan yang sama.. nah yang

> ketiga nya 2 minggu lalu, diawali perut seblh kiri sakit sprti melilit,

> lalu keesokan harinya panas d uluhati, terasa penuh d perut dan cepat

> sekali haus dada berdebar2.. saya konsul kembali cek darah semua bagus

> namun trombositnya naik jd 510.000.. dibilangnya asam labung tinggi,

> obatnya pun masih setipe. smpe hr ini kalau perut saya kosong pasti

> mulai merasa tdk enak d perut, sprti panas, penuh pd perut.. efeknya

> slma sy minum obat yg diresepkan, jd batuk2 kadang berdahak kadang tdk..

> yg mau sy tanyakan obat apa sbnrnya yg cocok? apakah ada treatmenny

> drmh? atau jika memang diperlukan kah endoskopi itu? saya sering merasa

> gelisah dan msh blm jelas dgn diagnosa dokter2 sblnya, sdh 3 kali konsul

> tp msh suka berulang2 keluhannya.. atau ada pantangannya kah??/

> mohon bantunya para dokter2 yang baik dan spesialis..

> krna sy sdh pergi k spesialis ktnya jgn stress dan makanan d jaga..


> makasih cvlnya n maav kepanjangan..

> best regard..


> wassalamu"alaikum..

> lyna


> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:54 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Hen" markovingian

Brosing apa yg menyeramkan?
Brosing dimana?
Kasih dan share link nya biar kita2 ikut "seram"


Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:34 pm (PDT) . Posted by:


siapa tahu ada yg minat sama om paul :)

Dr. Paul Offit's new book, "Do You Believe in Magic?" takes a
critical look at alternative medicine and separates fact from
fiction and science from snake oil. Find out more about this
fascinating and well-researched book by joining our "flash
mob" pre-sales event Tuesday, June 11th. Details in the link
below. Proceeds from the sales of the book will be donated to
the Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:49 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

Thx ayahghozan
Waah bagus ya bukunya
Harganya berapa ya? Sorry kalau terlewatkan oleh saya

-patient's safety first-

Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:54 pm (PDT) . Posted by:


kl tak salah USD17.96 Bu dokter.
ntar kalau dah selesai dibaca pinjem yah :)

The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine

June 10, 2013 Christine Vara
<> Leave a comment
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his new book, */Do You Believe In Magic? The Sense and Nonsense of
Alternative//Medicine/, *Dr. Paul A. Offit takes a critical look at the
field of alternative medicine and separates fact from fiction and
science from snake oil. Since fifty percent of Americans use some form
of alternative medicine, and ten percent use it on their
children, Dr. Offit examines the questions, does it really work
and where is the scientific proof?

As a multiple best-selling author, Every Child By Two Board Member
<>, and Chief of the Division of
Infectious Diseases and Director of the Vaccine Education Center
<> at
the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Dr. Offit suggests that while
American's love alternative medicine, they are paying a high price for
it. From regular visits to acupuncturists, chiropractors and
naturopaths to the daily ingesting of homeopathic remedies, Chinese
herbs and megavitamins, the use of alternative therapies has not only
become a $34 billion-a-year industry, but a practice that promotes
miracle cures that are often ineffective and very harmful to our
health. Drawing on current research and real-life experiences of
patients, this book investigates alternative therapies for such ailments
and conditions as chronic pain, Lyme's disease, cancer, menopause and
aging. Grounded in science, Dr. Offit's book warns that alternative
medicine is an unregulated industry under no legal obligation to prove
its claims or admit its risks.

"Making decisions about our health is an awesome responsibility,"
writes Dr. Offit. "If we're going to do it, we need to take it
seriously. Otherwise we will violate the most basic principle of
medicine: first do no harm."

While the book will be released by Harper Collins next Tuesday, June
18th, we are organizing a *"flash mob" pre-sales event
tomorrow, Tuesday, June 11th. To help drive media attention and book
sales on this one day, p**lease consider purchasing a copy of the book
(or several to gift to family and friends) on June 11th.* Hard copy
purchases are best, but eBooks help too.

You can purchase /*Do You Believe in Magic? The Sense and Nonsense of
Alternative Medicine*/ online at Amazon here
throughBarnes and Noble here
When you make a purchase you can do so knowing that all proceeds from
the sales of the book will be donated to the Vaccine Education Center at
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
<>, a
resource that we regularly reference and refer others to for accurate
vaccine information.

ini komentar2nya :

June 10, 2013 at 1:04 pm | #1

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

i think there was a typo. Dr. P. meant to say that the vaccine
schedule is an unregulated industry under no legal obligation to
prove its claims or admit its risks, and unfortunately, he does not
take seriously the basic principle of medicine to first do no harm.

Hector Blake <>
June 10, 2013 at 1:13 pm | #2

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

Ben, if you are going to argue a point. Use some facts.

All Vaccines and regulated medicine must be supplied with warnings
regarding potential side affects.

The first rule of trying to make an educated person appear the
buffoon, is to not play the buffoon whilst attacking them.

Lawrence <>
June 10, 2013 at 2:13 pm | #3

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

@Ben -- any proof that vaccines aren't subjected to the same
rigorous testing and approval process that every single other
medical treatment is required to undergo?

How about the thousands of published clinic trials and pubmed papers
related to vaccine safety?

Seems you may have a reading comprehension issue.

Peter M
June 10, 2013 at 2:55 pm | #4

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

Fear mongering in regards to acupuncture and chiropractic services?

"*acupuncture needles have pierced hearts, lungs, and livers, and
transmitted viruses, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV;"

"*chiropractic manipulations have torn arteries."

Peter M
June 10, 2013 at 3:00 pm | #5

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

The book will be an interesting read or a big joke; I assume it will
be the latter, but we shall see.

Christine Vara
June 10, 2013 at 3:12 pm | #6

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

Lilady was unable to post, due to a glitch we have been experiencing
with WordPress. Therefore, she emailed us this comment that we are
posting on her behalf.

Lilady states: I had the pleasure of attending Dr. Offit's seminar
at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Saturday June 8th, where he
discussed his new book "Do You Believe In Magic". The seminar was
well attended and Dr. Offit touched on many of
"Complementary/Alternative&quot; therapies such as homeopathy,
naturopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, reiki, and other
not-based-in-science treatment modalities. He was especially
critical of "supplements and mega-dose vitamins"...which are totally
unregulated and are manufactured by *Big Supplement/Big Pharma* and
are targeted to credulous people, to "boost the immune system" and
other such unsupported claims."

At the end of the Q & A session, I spoke "as the parent of a
developmentally disabled and as a retired public health nurse", to
thank Dr. Offit and the staff at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
for their excellent care of children, and, to also thank him for the
superb job he does educating parents about vaccines and the serious,
sometimes deadly, diseases they prevent."

Christine Vara
June 10, 2013 at 3:21 pm | #7

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

Just a note to the regular participants here, Peter M. is "Joe",
who's privileges on this site have been restricted in the past.

June 10, 2013 at 3:49 pm | #8

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

Mega-doses of vitamin C have miraculous healing properties for any
disease, while appropriate doses of vitamin A have been proven to
prevent complications from measles. Supplements like kava kava,
valerian, echinacea, garlic, lemon balm, elderberry (or Sambucol),
and hawthorn (and dozens of others) effectively and safely treat
certain conditions for a fraction of the price of pharmaceutical
drugs, every one of which can cause a grocery list of dangerous side
effects, up to and including death. Americans have already made our
choice, and have protested vigorously at every attempt on the part
of drug manufacturers to limit our access to supplements.

Good to see you here again, Joe (or Peter)!

June 10, 2013 at 3:59 pm | #9

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

Sara, citation needed.

The Vitamin A works mostly in areas where children are malnourished,
like in developing countries. The herbs may have real pharmaceutical
effects, but sometimes they are not useful, or have compounds that
are not safe.

No one has limited your access to supplements. What has been done is
remove regulations to keep those "supplements&quot; safe. Sometimes
certain things are put on the market without proper tests just
because they are "supplements&quot;, and people end up dead

Oh, and Peter M/Joe/Sara:
J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Jun;19(6):564-8.
Acupuncture-associated pneumothorax

Peter M
June 10, 2013 at 4:02 pm | #10

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

Christine, you obviously have the right to restrict me if you like,
but never said why you did. And you can call me Peter and not Joe.

Lawrence <>
June 10, 2013 at 4:21 pm | #11

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

@Sara -- yeah & you guys won. You an have all the supplements you
want, without any safety regulations, just about. Feel free to gorge
yourself on all the melamine & adulterated substances you want --
because the manufacturers don't have to prove their products are
safe or effective.

Christine Vara
June 10, 2013 at 4:36 pm | #12

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

Joe/Peter M: As an admin it is obvious that you have been using
multiple accounts to gain access to this site (to include, but not
limited to Daran, Dina, Agnid, Scott, Foster Dad and others). By
representing yourself as more than one person your behavior is
misleading and your comments will therefore be considered as spam.

Christine Vara
June 10, 2013 at 4:48 pm | #13

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

To those of you interested in a taste of what Dr. Offit has covered
in his new book, you may want to check out his recent Op-Ed in the
NY Times.

Peter M
June 10, 2013 at 4:52 pm | #14

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

Lawrence, those are two completely different issues.
One -- are the vitamins/minerals effective for treatment etc?
Two -- are they regulated for safety etc?

Christine, That doesn't explain the original restriction, and it is
because of the restriction that the other names were used in the
first place. Although I was NOT Dina or Foster Dad.

Lawrence <>
June 10, 2013 at 5:08 pm | #15

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

@Peter/Joe/sockpuppets --

1) Please provide the appropriate citations that vitamins / minerals
are effective treatments (for things other than say malnutrition or

2) They really aren't nor are they required to prove that they are
effective, either.

Christine Vara
June 10, 2013 at 5:09 pm | #16

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

Peter, Back when you were Joe, there were multiple occasions where
you two apparently different people were conversing with one
another, Joe and someone else. Yet, the someone else was Joe in
disguise. I do not appreciate you misrepresenting your position by
congratulating yourself on a "good comment". Please stop wasting
people's time with this immature behavior.

Peter M
June 10, 2013 at 5:14 pm | #17

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

Christine, that may be true and in hindsight is ridiculous. It may
have been during a time that I was extremely frustrated for not
being able to comment and I apologize for doing it.

Lawrence <>
June 10, 2013 at 5:18 pm | #18

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

@Peter/Joe/Sockpuppets -- I recommend you take this conversation

Contact Christine directly via her email & perhaps you can work
something out.

Peter M
June 10, 2013 at 5:18 pm | #19

Quote <javascript:void(0);>


You don't think that vitamins and minerals are effective in treating
and/or preventing anything other than malnutrition and scurvy? Have
your read anything about Vit D3?

2) I agree with you.

June 10, 2013 at 5:28 pm | #20

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

I (C.) have congratulated others for good comments, including Joe or
whoever. He has not congratulated himself. He's a really nice guy,
and we have corresponded through private emails. He's a good man,
gentlemanly, considerate, and polite, a great husband and father,
and totally sincere in what he says about vaccines, autism,
supplements, and dietary interventions to heal autism. He has a
valued place in this discussion. I have been forced to use other
names because of having been blocked many times, but I think that
what I have to say is very important to a balanced exchange of news
and views on vaccines. You will not find that I have congratulated
Sara, Ben, Dina, etc.

June 10, 2013 at 5:51 pm | #21

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

@Ms Parker -- joe admitted as much. Quit digging.

June 10, 2013 at 6:34 pm | #22

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

Meaning? Joe has used other names, as have many of us who wish to
continue commenting despite being banned and censored. He hasn't
used any of the names I have.

June 10, 2013 at 6:51 pm | #23

Quote <javascript:void(0);>

@ms Parker -- as Chris has stated, please get some help.

Quit posting off-topic too.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:00 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"F.B. Monika" f_monika_b

Kalau saya beli di NY ongkir murah Bun n Pak E, cuma bawa ke Ind nya baru
2014 -SOL

Your BFF,
F.B.Monika , @f_monika_b
Your Breastfeeding Friend, KLASI YOP

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:58 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"rini3pujiastuti" rini3pujiastuti

Dear SP & Docs,
Anak saya Mia (3thn 4bln) juga skrg sudah hari ke 3 muncul rash di badan dan leher, pagi ini muncul di muka. sebelumnya cuma demam sehari-38C- klinis biasa saja, tetap main+ceria,hanya kurang napsu makan.
Beberapa hari sebelumnya ayahnya yang muncul rash-karena kecapean parah-jadi agak tidak jelas kenapa-nya, kalau suami saya keluhannya kemarin kelelahan dan pusing-demamnya juga hanya sumeng2.

Ada yg bisa bantu, kira2 ini kenapa ya???
roseola bukannya ada demamnya 3 hari dan tidak kena ke orang dewasa??

--- In, rania_23cheries@... wrote:
> Dear sp n docs
> Anak saya Nagib ( 17m) mulai jumat keluar merah rata mulai muka dan badan tp tidak demam dan tidak gatal. Awalnya saya duga karna alergi susu uht. Ternyata kemarin baby sitter saya juga keluar rash yg sama rata sebadan dan muka.
> Katanya kalo kena air rasanya panas dan makin merah. Badan rasanya panas agak gatal, kepala pusing bahkan sampai muntah. Kemaren nagib juga rewel seharian bahkan muntah, mungkin yg dirasakan sama.
> Saya sedang di luar kota bersama anak & bs, skrg perjalanan ke rumah. Kira2 kemungkinan diagnosanya apa ya? Apa yg harus saya perhatikan?
> Terimakasih sebelumnya
> Rania
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:00 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

Dear Docs dan SPs
Kurang lebih 2 minggu yang lalu, si kecil (17m) Qodarullooh kena air teh panas di wajah bagian kiri,alhamdulillaah sekarang sdh sembuh dan sudah halus kembali kulitnya. Namun masih ada bekasnya putih putih dan ada yg sdkit memerah, selama perawatan dibersihkan dgn air NaCl dan diolesi salep Burnazin.
Yang ingin saya tanyakan,
1.apakah salep Burnazinnya saya lanjutkan atau diganti dengan salep yang lain?
2.apakah mengoleskan semacam getah lidah buaya, dan lain2nya(seperti yang disarankan orang2) bisa membantu menghilangkan bekasnya?
Mohon bantuannya,terima kasih


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