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[sehat] Digest Number 20029

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Milis SEHAT Group

15 New Messages

Digest #20029
Re: cuci vagina memacu kontraksi? by "yoga pranata" doyogh
Baby Tidak bisa buang air besar by "tris mulyana" tris_psy


Wed May 29, 2013 12:16 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"yoga pranata" doyogh

> => kan suka ada peneliti ui yg sering banget/justifiaksi bilang gini :
> quote :
> "Ada beberapa penelitian mengenai Pneumokokus di Indonesia, antara lain
> di Bali dan Lombok. Serotipe terbanyak yg ditemukan di Indonesia: 6, 23,
> 15, 33 dan 12. Pada PCV 7, sekitar 65% serotipe ini sudah ter-cover.
> Pada PCV 13, hampir 80%. Dengan demikian: TIDAK BENAR bahwa PCV tidak
> bermanfaat untuk Indonesia. "
> komentar anda Dok :) ?
> terima kasih

ikut urun rembug boleh ya pak'e...

IMHO, perbedaan pendapat terkait vaksin PCV di atas itu cuma masalah
perbedaan perspektif mengenai berapa persen sih coveran vaksin PCV untuk di
Indonesia yg dianggap bermanfaat? seharusnya ini ditentukan oleh yg paling
berwenanglah, krn tentunya cut off point persentase coveran yg dianggap
bermanfaat untuk di Indonesia akan menentukan kebijakan publik mengenai
vaksin ini :)

kl vaksin2 yg lain lebih mudah, coverannya 99% misalnya, makanya
rekomendasinya jelas dan tidak abu2.

kalo PCV pada akhirnya diserahkan sama orang tua, dengan fakta coveran baru
mencapai 80%, tetap mau divaksin ato tidak :)

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Wed May 29, 2013 12:22 am (PDT) . Posted by:


On 5/29/2013 2:16 PM, yoga pranata wrote:
> kalo PCV pada akhirnya diserahkan sama orang tua, dengan fakta coveran baru
> mencapai 80%, tetap mau divaksin ato tidak:)
=> sambil nunggu dokter dimas setuju om doyogh :)
imho - kl ini terus menerus 'dipaksakan' menurut saya ini pembodohan publik.
saya sih santai saja - yg nesake yg duitnya pas2an maksa tanpa membaca
sendiri fakta yg ada.
khawatirnya lg suatu saat barangkali 'mleset' kena meningitis...ujug2nya
yg dikambing ireng vakisn lagi :(
apakah tdk dilihat pula sosio ekonomi coveran yg menjadi object dlm hal
ini bali dan lombok?
apakah cukup dikatakan representatif indonesia?

opo tumon


Wed May 29, 2013 1:51 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Dimas Seto" sto_king03

belum pernah baca juga sih, jd gk bisa komentar banyak.
Yg jelas kn memang tdk ada vaksin yg 100% efektif.
Klo mau lihat efektifnya, saya lebih suka cari perbandingan antara anak yg divaksin dengan yg tidak, brapa dari masing2 grup tersebut yg terkena infeksi pneumokokus.

dr.Dimas Seto Prasetyo

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Wed May 29, 2013 12:27 am (PDT) . Posted by:


Dear doc,

Apa benar salah satu jalan penyembuhannya dengan operasi?

Makasih. (Nini, masih menyusui)
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Wed May 29, 2013 12:52 am (PDT) . Posted by:



Coba saya baca dulu..

Makasih.. :)
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Wed May 29, 2013 12:51 am (PDT) . Posted by:


Patient communication has room to grow: studies

Monday, May 27, 2013

Related MedlinePlus Page

Talking With Your Doctor

By Andrew M. Seaman

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - There's room - and need - for improvement in
the discussions between doctor and patient that go into medical
decision-making, according to research out on Monday.

In four studies and a commentary published in JAMA Internal Medicine,
the authors look at various aspects of doctors' dialogue with patients
about prognoses, options and treatment preferences and find little

And though not all patients want the responsibility of making treatment
decisions, medical organizations have long promoted the idea of
patient-centered care through shared decision-making, and the 2010
Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act that goes into effect next
year incorporates the idea into law.

What's more, "When physicians reach out and communicate to patients that
their views are welcome, patients really like that a lot," said Floyd
Fowler, senior scientific advisor for the Informed Medical Decisions
Foundation in Boston.

But research in the past decade showed that U.S. patients with common
medical conditions were not being adequately informed about their
treatment options, so Fowler and his colleagues wanted to see if
anything had changed recently.

They surveyed 2,718 U.S. adults who were over 40 years old in 2011 and
had seen a doctor for any of the five most commonly treated medical
conditions - high blood pressure and cholesterol, prostate and breast
cancer screenings and back and knee problems - during the previous two

They found that doctors tended to discuss the pros and cons of
surgeries, but not of cancer screenings or the choice of medication to
treat high blood pressure or cholesterol.

"Each decision has its own dynamic, and it's intriguing that the heart
risk related discussions weren't very good," said Fowler, the study's
lead author.

He added that doctors may view back and knee surgeries as more
complicated treatments, which is why they were discussed in more detail.

In a separate study of 207 kidney patients from two dialysis centers in
Boston, researchers found that doctors rarely discussed very sick
patients' prognoses or their eligibility for kidney transplants.

Dialysis patients tend to have one- and five-year survival rates
comparable to those of many cancer patients, Dr. Melissa Wachterman, a
palliative care physician with the VA Boston Healthcare system, and her
colleagues point out in their report.

"Talking about prognosis is tough, but there are a lot of reasons why
there is a benefit for patients to have this information if they want
it," Wachterman told Reuters Health.

In their study, Wachterman's team interviewed 60 of the sickest dialysis
patients and their doctors about expectations for the patients' survival
and to what degree they had been discussed.

The researchers found only two patients whose doctors may have discussed
their prognosis with them, and that more than half of the doctors said
they would refuse to discuss prognoses - even if patients asked.

"I think we do a disservice to patients if we don't give them a sense
that time could be short, because they have a lot that they want to do
with the time they have left," Wachterman said.

In addition, the researchers found that while patients were good judges
of whether or not they'd live another year, they tended to overestimate
their long-term survival without their doctors' guidance.

"I think - in the long term - having this kind of information can
actually give people hope and the ability to plan," Wachterman said.

But not everyone may want to play an active role in their care,
according to Dr. Mack Lipkin, a professor of medicine at the New York
University School of Medicine and the Bellevue Hospital Center in New
York City.

"There are many people who want to be active participants in their care
but there are also many people who prefer not to be so active," said
Lipkin, who wrote an editorial accompanying the new research.

That's supported by a study of hospitalized patients, led by Hyo Jung
Tak of University of Chicago, which found the vast majority wanted
information on their illness and treatment options but more than 70
percent wanted doctors to make their medical decisions.

Moreover, Tak's group found that patients who preferred to participate
in decision-making were more expensive. They stayed, on average, an
extra quarter day in the hospital and racked up $155 to $1,576 more in

Still, a study led by Dr. Harlan Krumholz, of Yale University School of
Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, surveyed 7,000 heart attack patients
and found more than two-thirds preferred to play an active role in
decision-making. A quarter of the respondents preferred to be the sole

At the very least, Krumholz's report concludes, doctors "who aspire to
provide patient-centered care" should ask patients about their
decision-making preferences directly.

Lipkin also said it's best to ask patients their preferences.

"We think the first thing to do is ask the patient what they'd like to
know, how they'd like to learn it and then tell them," he said.

Fowler added that patients who want to be a part of the decision process
shouldn't be afraid to speak up, and he hopes they get used to sharing
in the process as the Affordable Care Act emphasizes shared
decision-making initiatives.

"We're hoping these types of changes that are in the works really
happen… and that when we repeat the study three or four years from now
we'll start to see a difference. That would be great," he said.

SOURCE: JAMA Internal Medicine, online May 27, 2013.

Wed May 29, 2013 12:54 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"yoga pranata" doyogh

> dy curiga kontraksi karena obat itu dan cuci vagina,,
> ada yg bisa memberi clue,,kira2 penyebab kontraksi itu apa?
> untuk pembelajaran kami jg sebenernya,,

dear mba pritha...ikut urun rembug yah :)

IMHO, terlalu dini mengambil kesimpulan demikian, hehehe...

coba deh baca2 terkait "preterm labour"...apa aja penyebabnya...kl saya
tidak salah, infeksi itu salah satu yg bisa menyebabkan preterm labour. kl
memang betul teman mba mengalami ISK, sangat mungkin hal inilah yg memicu
kontraksi dan menyebabkan preterm ini sih pendapat saya yah :)

biar lebih jelas dan tidak curiga sama siapa pun, ayo dibaca bareng2
terkait "preterm labour"

saya sih ga belain siapa2, termasuk dokter yg menangani, cuma kok ya kasian
amat dokter yg menangani, berusaha menolong, eh malah dicurigain macem2
ketika terjadi hal2 yg tidak diinginkan...bukankah akan lebih baik kl
semuanya diperjelas dan dibuktikan terlebih dahulu tanpa mencurigai pihak
mana pun :)

tp yg memang begitulah nasib dokter dan nakes dimana-mana, selalu dicurigai
dan disalahkan jika terjadi hal yg tidak diinginkan sama pasiennya...saya
juga tidak menutup mata bahwa ada juga dokter dan nakes yg "nakal" kok
rasanya hati saya gimanaaaaaa gitu kl dokter dan nakes sudah dituduh macem2
duluan tanpa ada bukti2 yg jelas, hehehe...

ooops, jadi curcol...mohon maaf kalo tidak berkenan :)

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Wed May 29, 2013 1:06 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"ryesya rasady"

Dear DR Yoga & pak'e..

hatur nuhun atas informasi dan pencerahannya..
kebagian pr juga nih buat chek jenis2 obatnya.. :)

yang buat bingung sy dan temen sy juga yaitu kedua DR tidak dapat memberikan
diagnosa yang jelas hanya bilang infeksi dari dalam..

temen sy bilang, obat gak di makan malah tambah parah, si DR pun gak
bisa memberikan kejelasan.. hanya memberikan obat resep saja dan
bilang jaga kebersihan..

dengan kondisi kulit seperti itu dan merasakan sakit juga, mungkin
teman saya tidak terfikir untuk tidak meminum obatnya, palagi sampai
harus "ngejar" dokternya untuk menanyakan diagnosanya ( dia belum jadi
anggota milist sehat, jadi mungkin belum tau ), sama halnya dengan sy
meskipun dah join tetep kurang mudeng, makanya banyak nanya2.. :).

yo wis nanti kasih tau teman berdasarkan info yang sy dpt dari milist ini.

amin..mudah2an cepat sembuh temenku..


Wed May 29, 2013 1:15 am (PDT) . Posted by:



suka bikin gawe mbok jgn minta sponsor rokok yah :(

World No Tobacco Day, 31 May

Free yourself! This is WHO's message to governments on World
No Tobacco Day 2013.

A comprehensive ban of all tobacco advertising, promotion and
sponsorship is required under the WHO Framework Convention on
Tobacco Control.

Tobacco kills nearly six million people every year, of which
more than 600,000 are non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke.

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Wed May 29, 2013 1:22 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"tris mulyana" tris_psy

Halo mods en dokter

Perkenalkan saya member baru disini. Nama saya Tris. Anak baru satu cowok umur 6 bulan jalan 7 bulan. Ada yang saya mau tanyakan. Baby saya sudah mulai makan Dan sepertinya dia alergi pepaya. Dia sembelit sudah 2 hari ga pup. Setiap mau pup pasti teriak2. Minggu lalu sih lancar2 aja. Dia emang juga jarang minum. Ga suka sepertinya setiap dikasih nolak. Saya akalinnya pakai buah diblender terus air dibanyakin. Nah pertanyaan saya bagaimana caranya supaya baby saya bisa pup hari mini mengingat sudah 2 hari ga pup. Apakah boleh dikasih mikrolak. Atau bagaimana. Mohon petunjuknya. Kasian banget soalnya.

Neill's mom

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

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Wed May 29, 2013 1:26 am (PDT) . Posted by:


Hi mb,

Selamat memasuki lika liku MPASI :)
Well, ga semua orang bisa lancar pup dengan pepaya.stop dulu pepayanya.
Coba bubur berasnya ditambahin asip.

Hindari berteman dengan microlax mba.
Bisa coba dengan pir atau melon sebagai pencahar alami. Persering lg asi. Utk sementara mpasinya buat agak lebih encer.

Semoga segera lancar ya

ibunya razan+ragha
Sent from Banda Aceh® on 3

Wed May 29, 2013 1:30 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Diyana" diyan_24

Dear mom tris,

Coba kasih buah pear xiang lie atau buah naga yg merah,alhamdulillah anak saya Rakha (10bln) kalo sembelit tokcer pake buah itu,biasanya saya kasihnya pagi2 bangun tdr diminumin airnya aja,biasanya ga lama kluar. Dicoba aja mom sama tau cocok,jgn kasih mikrolak kasian babynya.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL,Lemoot Teruuusss...!

-----Original Message-----
From: tris mulyana <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 01:22:29
Subject: [sehat] Baby Tidak bisa buang air besar

Halo mods en dokter

Perkenalkan saya member baru disini. Nama saya Tris. Anak baru satu cowok umur 6 bulan jalan 7 bulan. Ada yang saya mau tanyakan. Baby saya sudah mulai makan Dan sepertinya dia alergi pepaya. Dia sembelit sudah 2 hari ga pup. Setiap mau pup pasti teriak2. Minggu lalu sih lancar2 aja. Dia emang juga jarang minum. Ga suka sepertinya setiap dikasih nolak. Saya akalinnya pakai buah diblender terus air dibanyakin. Nah pertanyaan saya bagaimana caranya supaya baby saya bisa pup hari mini mengingat sudah 2 hari ga pup. Apakah boleh dikasih mikrolak. Atau bagaimana. Mohon petunjuknya. Kasian banget soalnya.

Neill's mom

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

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Wed May 29, 2013 1:32 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Diyana" diyan_24

Huwaaa maaaaf lupa potek

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL,Lemoot Teruuusss...!

Wed May 29, 2013 1:38 am (PDT) . Posted by:


Coba kalo bangun tidur pagi, disuapin air putih hangat,, dl itu manjur buat anakku,, :)

Trus. Kakinya digerakin senam mengayuh sepeda sambil pijit ILU di perutnya pelan2 sambil dimnyakin..

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Hansaplast, "Sembuh Lebih Cepat, Ceria Setiap Saat"

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